
GeoVerkstan offers:
- Geotechnical design
- Geotechnical investigation including reporting 
  (in cooperation with external fields enterprises)
- Technical specifications in tender document
- Preliminary design of geotechnical structures
- Research and development project
  Examples of questions:
- Which method is most suitable foundation (technology,
   durability and economy)?
- Is soil nailing, reinforced soil, lime/cement-columns, in
   situ stabilisation of sub-grade material better option?
- Is there a risk of landslides? If so, what steps are
- Can existing structures handle new requirements
standards, loads, climate, usage ...)?
- How large will the settlements be? Will it generate a

GeoVerkstan works with the following applications:
- Plants
- House/industry
- Port
- Bridge
- Road/railroad
- Slopestability
 Reference Projects
- Entré Marstrand
  (pre-planing in the early stages regarding the projects execution)
- Port of Oskarhamn 
  (ground improvement in connection with remediation project)
- Skandiahamnen and Carterminal, port of Gothenburg 
  (pre-planing concerning possible expansion)
- Valdemarsvik
  (goround improvement in connection with remediation project and technical construction assistance)
- Test Bridges - implementation of Eurocode VV/BV
- In situ stabilisation of sub-grade material – knowledge overview
- IEG - impact assessments of new standards
- NYANS, nuclear plant in Oskarshamn